Your Rightsbecoming a legal adult
At age 18, you become a “legal adult.” This means you have new rights like being able to vote, get married, and much more. But, you also need to think about where you will live, who you will live with, how you will spend your time, and if you will need support.
Did you know? You Have Rights
If you have a disability, it doesn't mean you don't have rights. Your rights include:
- being respected and treated as a human being.
- the same rights as other people in your community.
- the right to have opportunities to pursue your learning and working goals and potential.
- the right to be involved in making decisions about your life.
You will have even more rights as you turn Age 18.
Get to Know Your RightsThings to Do

Making Decisions
Before you turn 18, talk with your family about what kind of decisions you may need help with and what support would be useful.

At age 18, you can vote! Step 1: Register to Vote. Then find out when the next election is, learn about what the issues are, who is running, and where you vote. Contact your municipal clerk’s office if you need accommodations. Then vote!

Do you need a work permit? If you are under age 18, you may need working papers in order to legally work.
Check out this resource to learn more: Teens Get Your Working Papers

Learn more about taking charge of your health including doctor appointments, your medications, exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep! More health tips and activities!

Before StartingThings to Ask
What does "legal adult" mean?
Voting, registering for the draft, disability benefits, health, money, where you live and work ... these may all things to think about as you turn age 18 and become an adult.
What kind of help and support do I need?
Consider what kind of things you can do on your own and what kind of things you may need help with. Talk to the people you trust about your options.