Age 17prepare for becoming an adult
Here are some things you can do at Age 17 to help you prepare for becoming an adult (Yeah!) You don't have to do these in any particular order. Just dive in and get started!
Get Started!
You Should Knowat Age 17, is the time to start putting your plan for the future into action!
Make a plan of action for after graduation.
In your senior year of high school, the focus is graduation and what you will do after graduation. What is your plan? Will you get a job or job training? Or, will you go on to college or technical school? This is an exciting time that can be a little scary, too. Talk to your friends and family about how you feel and what your concerns are.
Consider staying in high school after senior year.
If you and your family decide that graduation is not the best choice for you, that doesn’t mean you will have nothing to do. You can continue to work on goals and learn skills through the high school until you turn 21. You might decide to learn a specific job, or learn skills that will help you to live more independently
Plan for needed supports.
Now is the time to start talking with your family about if you want or need help making some decisions and having some responsibilities. This includes deciding where to live and taking care of yourself, taking care of your medical and dental needs, and managing your money so you can buy the things you need while paying the bills and rent.
Apply for college.
If you are planning on going on to college or other training after high school, now is the time to start applying to schools you are interested in. Do you need to apply for financial aid? Are you eligible for scholarships? Watch for information sessions about this through your high school and in your community.
Consider an ABLE savings account.
An ABLE savings account is for people with disabilities and their families. The money put into the account won’t be taxed so it can help with extra costs you might have, and you can still get your benefits.
Review other steps.
Did you skip from steps from last year? Go back and take a look. There's still time to do them now.
Two, ThreeTopics to Explore

Career Planning
What do you want to be when you grow up? Now's the time to explore the possibilities!

Your First Job
Consider getting a summer job to start to learn more about what you are good at and earn a little money.

Get a Mentor
A mentor is someone you admire who can help you think about a job you may be interested in.