SurveyWe need your help! Please complete our survey to help us better understand what tools and resources may be helpful in preparing youth with disabilities to explore future work possibilities. Tell us a little about you:* I am a teen over age 13 with a disability I am a parent or family member of a child with a disability I am a professional who provides services to children with disabilities or their families I am an educator True or false? Everyone can work.* False Mostly false I'm not sure Mostly true True Comment:True or false? One of the strongest influences for a child’s future success are the expectations of the people around them. Having high expectations leads to more future success.* False Mostly false I'm not sure Mostly true True Comment:True or False? Having a job has many benefits including financial, social, physical and mental health, and much more.* False Mostly false I'm not sure Mostly true True Comment:True or False? Having a plan for pursuing training and education after high school is important for a child with a disability.* False Mostly false I'm not sure Mostly true True Comment:True or False? Having a job, internship, volunteer position or other early work experiences while still in high school is very important for the future success of all kids.* False Mostly false I'm not sure Mostly true True Comment:As a parent or family member of a child with a disability, do you think having a job is a possible path for your child in the future?* Yes No Why or Why Not?*What are the biggest questions you have about how to prepare your child for the future?*What are your biggest concerns about your child’s future?*True or False? If you or your child receive Social Security disability benefits, it is still possible to work.* False Mostly false I'm not sure Mostly true True Comment:What do you consider your role to be in helping families or children with disabilities prepare for the future?*Do you have conversations about future employment with children with disabilities or their parents / families?* Yes No Why or Why Not?*True or False? People who receive Social Security disability benefits can still work.* False Mostly false I'm not sure Mostly true True Comment:What are the biggest questions you have about how to prepare a child with a disability or their families for the future?*What are your biggest concerns about how you can help prepare a child with a disability or their families for the future?*Do you think about getting a job?* Yes No Already have a job True or False? The adults in my life like my parents, grandparents, and teachers encourage me to try working.* True False True or False? There are a lot of great things about having a job like money, friends, feeling good, and much more.* True False True or False? You should plan now for what you want to do after high school like training for a job or going to college.* True False True or False? Having a job, volunteering, doing an internship, or some type of experience with work in high school is important for helping you be successful as an adult.* True False What would you like to achieve in the next 10 years?*Pick all that apply Have a good job Have good friends Be in a relationship Live on my own Is there anything else you'd like to achieve in the next 10 years?What questions do you have about becoming an adult?*What are your biggest concerns for the future?*Would you like to stay in touch?Share your contact information and indicate your interests below. Your information will not be shared and will only be used to send you campaign news and materials aimed at promoting the possibility of youth with disabilities working in competitive integrated employment. Thank you!Email* First Name:*Last Name:*Choose your interests:* I would like a copy of my results. I am interested in this topic, please add me to your email/mailing list. (We promise not to overwhelm you with emails or regular mail!) No emails for me at this time Mailing Address Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Would you like to receive text messages? Please add your phone number:EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ